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A striking original Abstract Expressionist oil
on canvas painting, by B. Sender, c. 1950’s
“Abstract expressionism is the term applied to new forms of abstract art developed by American painters such as Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko and Willem de Kooning in the 1940s and 1950s. It is often characterised by gestural brush-strokes or mark-making, and the impression of spontaneity.”
-Tate Modern Museum, London, UK
We couldn’t say it better ourselves, so we let the great Tate Modern Museum define it for us. This beautiful bold painting is right square in the bullseye of American Abstract Expressionism. No, it wasn’t done by Jackson Pollock, Franz Kline or Mark Rothko and no, it doesn’t cost twenty million dollars. What it does do is provide a perfect window into and most eloquent expression of a powerful uniquely American art movement at a uniquely American place (New York City) and dynamic and energetic time, the late 1940’s-50’s.
At left, Willem de Kooning, Museum of Modern Art, New York. At right, Franz Kline, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

Unfortunately, we can find no published reference at all to this unknown and unsung artist, “B. Sender” but the work itself shows that he or she was clearly an accomplished artist with a strong highly-developed visual sense. The vigor and dynamism and power of the brushwork and the bold saturated color palette convey a feeling of great energy and enthusiasm as does the marvelous textural appearance and feel of the deeply impastoed thickly layered paint surface.
The painting measures a nicely-sized 35” by 24 3/4” and it is in excellent original condition with a small amount of cracquelere which is to be expected given the thickness of the applied paint. Examination under Ultraviolet light reveals no evidence of restoration or in-painting. The painting is nicely and simply framed in its original period plain wood slat frame in the style favored by many of the Abstract Expressionists.
In our opinions, a painting such as this represents one of the art world’s great remaining attainable values, 80% or so of the visual “Bang” so to speak of comparable pieces by the Modern art world’s biggest names, Willem de Kooning, Franz Kine etc. at a microscopic fraction of the many many millions of dollars most of their works now command.
Price $2,400