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A beautiful contemporary Navajo silver
concho-style buckle by Quaid Shorty, 2023
Navajo silversmith Quaid Shorty (b.1990’s) is renowned Navajo silversmith, Perry Shorty’s son and his former
apprentice and, believe us, he is one very seriously talented chip off a brilliant old block. Quaid is already one mighty
fine silversmith in his own right as this superb buckle so eloquently attests. It is every bit as beautiful and as perfectly and precisely crafted as anything big daddy Shorty might have made himself as Perry himself would probably be very
proud to admit. Quaid has exhibited the past few years at the prestigious annual Santa Fe Indian market and his work
has been received there with great enthusiasm.
This fine concho style buckle is beautifully crafted. The center section is repoussed or domed up and within that is
a marvelous oval-shaped chisel-worked medallion. The outer section of the buckle is finely decorated with encircling bands of elegant stampwork designs and circular perforations extending all the way out to a finely scalloped outer edge.
The buckle measures 2 3/4” in width and is 2 1/2” in height. It weighs a comfortable 54 grams or 1 7/8 ounces and
will accommodate a belt strap up to 1 1/4” in width. The buckle has perfect provenance, we recently acquired it directly from Quaid Shorty and it is in brand-new, completely unworn original condition. The buckle is properly signed “Quaid” on the back in Quaid Shorty’s customary cursive signature in a similar vein to that of his father.
This buckle is a remarkably accomplished piece from a remarkably talented young artist. It seriously makes
you wonder if young Quaid is this good already what will his work be like ten or fifteen years from now?
Please note that the leather belt pictured here is for demonstration purposes only and is not included
in the sale of this buckle. If desired, we can recommend an excellent custom belt maker in Santa Fe.
Price $1,450